Extreme game trailer is proud to offer Fortnite on all our game trucks, as you may know Fortnite has become an extremely popular game this past year it is a battle Royale winner takes all style game which means it is a one player online only game, We have had to adapt and upgrade our trucks to support this game. We have found for ultimate gaming experience the best way to delivery Fortnite to you events is by supplying a category 6 Ethernet cable that reaches up to 300’ and connects our truck to your high speed internet router in your home which allows us to create a sub network in our trailers which allows up to go online for Fortnite. We then also provide all the necessary online accounts required to play online with ps4,xbox one, and nintendo switch. We also maintain all mandatory updates done weekly by epic games which is required to play online games. By us maintaining these updates we ensure there will be no down time at your event waiting for a fortnite update which could eat up 20_30 mins of your game truck experience.
During the research and trial periods we went thru to ensure the ultimate experience for this game Extreme game trailer is able to offer something no other game trucks can offer, we are very proud to be one of the first company’s to have the ability to offer maximum capacity in our game trucks while still offering up to 4 players live on Fortnite. We can have 4 players enjoying epic games popular latest and greatest game Fortnite while still accommodating 24 gamers at one time. Most other companies can only offer 1-4 players of Fortnite with truck capacity diminishing down to 12 players max in total. If your looking for a larger Fortnite experience we have you covered there as well. We can do 2 players,4 players, 8 players if needed. We have also successfully done as many as 10 players on Fortnite at one time, as well as tournaments for larger scaled events. All of our trucks are stocked full with multiple Xbox ones,ps4’s, Wii, Wii U and Nintendo switch when booking with Extreme Game Trailer you will not be disappointed.